Acne and Acne Scarring

These 2 conditions can be very disfiguring and detract from your skins natural beauty. Active acne which is producing numerous spots and pustules can be treated with a series of chemical skin peels to calm down the infection. If this is occurring in younger people, it has a tendency to recur and hence several courses of chemical skin peels may be required in order to treat it, if it recurs, over a number of years. One of the long term consequences of acne, is that it may result in scarring ( pitting and crater like scars ). By having a chemical skin peel the scar can be reduced ( though it will never be fully removed ) . It is generally best to have the acne scars treated once all of the disease activity has been low or absent for several months.

Chemical skin peels can be used for Acne and Acne scarring on the face, back and chest.

Before and After Photos










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Please note that the photos on this website are for illustration purposes only; some have been supplied by the various manufacturers and not all have been taken in this clinic.